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Garricks Lawn

Hampton Court Road, Hampton, TW12 2EN, London, United kingdom

saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday : 07:30 am To 08:30 pm . Sunday : 09:00 am To 08:30 pm .

About Park

  • Preview

    An 18th century structure that was built to celebrate the works of William Shakespeare

    Garricks Temple features a replica statue of Shakespeare that has been supplied by the British Museum. The surrounding gardens offer tranquil views of the River Thames.

    Garrick's Lawn is one of a number of riverside gardens between Hampton Court Road and the Thames. Actor/manager David Garrick purchased Hampton House in 1754, later called Garrick's Villa. 'Capability' Brown advised him on the layout of the grounds including the narrow river frontage, recommending the linking grotto-like tunnel under the road. Garrick built the octagonal Shakespeare Temple on the riverside lawn, where he entertained friends. During the C19th later owners permitted the grounds to be used for recreational activities, and it survived threat of demolition in 1899. In the C20th the riverside garden became rundown until the local council purchased the land for a public recreation ground. In 1996 The Temple Trust began a scheme to restore the garden and Temple to their C18th appearance, the scheme completed by 1999. The tunnel under the road has been restored and is privately owned and the house is now private flats.



    Important Information

    • saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
      07:30 am To 08:30 pm Sunday
      09:00 am To 08:30 pm
    • Park Area
      2800.00 SQM
    • Foundation Date
  • Intertainment Elements

    Sitting places



  • Main Elements

    • Parking and public transport
    • Green areas
    • Open paths for walking
    • Attractions