Also known as the Duke Park, a garden in Odessa, it is located along Balkovskaya Street on the Slope of the Waterbeam on the Sloppy side.
The park is located on 3 levels: lower level - along the street. Balkovskaya, middle - on the beam slope (not steep, places with artificial terraces) and the top - flat. From the main entrance leads the alley, which turns into a staircase with pallets, from which the side alleys emerge. Below, to the left of the entrance, there is a longitudinal pond large enough (200 x 50 meters) with an island fed by new springs flowing from the slope. The main staircase leads to the central square with a large stone wing and some other structures.
a story
It was founded in 1810 by order of the Duke of Richelieu (in honor of the latter, his name was) as a park for his residence. At the beginning of its existence was dubbed Richelieu Dacha, Richelieu Garden, and later - the Duke Garden. According to legend, there was a spring in the garden, and on September 13, 1789, a detachment from the detachment de Ribas was on its way to break into the drunk eyebrows.
In the edition of "Southern Thought" (Ros. Southern Thought) on September 17, 1911, it is worth noting: "You, of course, know the dirt trenches and the scattered bitter dirt, with trash, an area called the Garden of Dokovsky. Monuments die, and photos of the past die." , And the municipalities, instead of preserving them, allow them to die on earth. "
After the war, in 1949 the park was rebuilt, after which it was named "Victory Park". In the 1950s, regional agricultural exhibitions were held in the park. In fact, pavilions were built for these exhibitions.
In 1989, the park was moved to an economic settlement.