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Nueva Segovia Park

Nueva Segovia Park

Av. Gerardo Diego, 2D, 40006 Segovia, Spain

Every Day : 24 Hours .

About Park

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    hroughout its mountainous territory, Nueva Segovia has many natural attractions. Tourists can find many hills that still preserve their pine and oak forests, in addition to waterfalls and hot springs. This department is located in one of the Northern edges of the country, and has a pleasant cool weather. Its towns and villages are known for its relaxing atmosphere and houses made of mod with tiled roofs. Some of them were turned into craft workshops that produce interesting decorative pieces.

    there are other regions of interest in the Western sector of the department. Macuelizo (West) has a hot springs area called 'Aguas Calientes'. Then, there is the mountainous region of ​​Santa Maria and its pretty village, pine forests, lime mines and a colorful cave named 'Cueva del Duende - en Las Trojas, which features pre-Columbian rock art drawings. Other attractions are situated in Dipilto, such as craft workshops that produce peaces made of pine leaves, a religious sanctuary, coffee farms and the border of Las Manos.


    Important Information

    • Every Day
      24 Hours
  • Intertainment Elements




  • Main Elements

    • Cleanliness
    • Lights
    • Green areas