Remstecken is a recreational area featuring a wildlife park (about 20 hectares of wild game) and Waldökostation about 5 km south of Koblenz on the edge of Hunsrück. Red deer, deer deer, deer, wild boar, and East Asian sika live in large outdoor containers. There is also a small zoo with goats and rabbits. Recreational activities include families with children feeding the wild, dowry and two playgrounds.
Short paths surround the pond with various types of ducks (including brandy goose, wild ducks, daggers, mandarinente) and a bird park with Volière for reptile birds. Drive wider trails through the forest to the orchards on the rise before Waldesch and along the tables down to Moselle in Koblenz-Lay and Koblenz-Moselweiss. Some of the roads also have horse riding on offer.
The game is open year round.