
We have 16614 Parks Now ... The First and largest platform for green public parks

Park Sacrow

Krampnitzer Str. 34, 14470 Potsdam, Germany

saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday : 08:00 am To 08:00 pm . Sunday, Monday : 24 Hours .

About Park

  • Preview

    The charm of romantic views

    Schlosspark Glienicke and New Garden are located on the banks of Havel, the Castle and the Sacrow Gardens. The area closes the picturesque garden wreath around Potsdam Jungfernsee.

    This very attractive location was the reason why King Frederick William IV received Sacro in 1840 upon his accession to the throne. Immediately after the plans of Ludwig Perseus, the king built the Heilandskirche on the flowing land to Jungfernsee. Garden artist Peter Joseph Lin gave the task of coordinating the landscape in the area. He has built one of his famous cabins, which opens the view from the castle garden to Jägerhof and the great curiosity of Glienicke, to the Flatow Tower Babelsberg and to the silhouette of Puttsdam.

    A century later on the Sacrow Park with many losses in the context of the construction of the Berlin Wall began in 1994, restoration work. In the meantime, you can experience the trails that are brilliantly guided by Lenné and the romantic sights again. The huge oak tree west of the castle is the oldest tree in Potsdam. Next to it there is a grove more than 100 years old.

    Important Information

    • saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
      08:00 am To 08:00 pm Sunday, Monday
      24 Hours
    • Foundation Date
  • Intertainment Elements


    Sitting places



  • Main Elements

    • Cleanliness
    • Green areas
    • Open spaces
    • Open paths for walking
    • Attractions