In the course of the renovation of the Hallertorbrücke, the district parking facility was redesigned in 2017 with urban development funds. A public participation accompanied the planning. A new pedestrian and cycle underpass under the Hallertor bridge connects the quiet green area with the old town of Lorenz. On the one hand, the eastern and western entrance area was redesigned and, on the other hand, seating was created in the form of seating levels and a continuous bank right on the water. A lookout pedestal at the eastern entrance area towers over the Pegnitz and improves the experience of the river. The western playground has been upgraded. In addition to the city wall, a children's playground has been set up. Along the waterfront, the historic views of the old town and the Hallerwiese were restored through grazing. Another pedestrian walkway in the area of the southern woody strip was built as part of the existing circular route.